Was it You?

We are not at all fine today. Our hearts are beating fast as if the next moment it will explode. We are continuously thinking about that evening when we were all together, hanging out, happy, just like a group of buddies do on every meet. But right now, we are searching for that instance when one of us deceived the whole group.

Present day, we all are still friends, but no longer in touch. We do like each other's posts on FB, Instagram and other social sites. We tag each other and make funny comments just for the sake of not forgetting our bond we made. This is how we consider our friendship still alive. Maybe that's how we remember each other today, maybe, just maybe.

It was last night when Veena called Albert, she was crying her heart out. She was almost blaming him for deceiving her, she mentioned that evening and kept asking him over the call 'was it you Albert?'. 

She was frightened enough as if someone will end her life if she doesn't have a name to blame. She was all confused and terrified already, she was picking up every point she had in her mind of that evening which somehow lead her to find the one who did this. She was yelling over the call and asking the explanation from Albert as if seeking a clue which will prove that Albert has done this. 

But she has got more names to blame.... she is suspecting others too. That's why, Albert called us, taking me and Reynard on the conference.

                                                                                           to be continued...


  1. あなたのストーリーはいいです
    どうぞ おげんきで


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