Not Together...

In that period of time, Reynard has really tried his best to impress Maria. He was trying on her the whole time in the office. They started sitting together, having lunch and going on small tea breaks together. It was not coincident of course, but we "me and Adne" has to make arrangement for all these little dates for Reynard.

Maria was very innocent, she fell for every plan we made to bring her close to Reynard. They were doing really good together. Soon after showing up together almost daily, they were in highlights in the gossips on the floor. I don't know much but the guys have their own selection criteria for girls near them. They plan and decide accordingly that I will try on this girl so you can go try on that girl.

Yes of course! Things were like this. That time, I was helping Reynard in getting Maria and Reynard was helping Adne in getting me!!! Can you believe it? I was well aware of the zero response from Reynard in my case but I didn't know that Adne is looking for something from me. 

I got to know about the little crush of Adne slowly when I observed him trying to getting close to me, but I wasn't into this relationship stuff that time. 

The time passed and I refused Adne in a way I think he got the idea to step back and move to some other girl. Maria and Reynard were also not keeping it well and moved on, same was for Veena and Albert, an ex-girlfriend of  Albert became the reason for their breakup. Me! I was busy in running an errand, hanging out here and there with Veena, Stefan and new guy Silvester. 

So much happened to all of us and as a group we were unaware of everything we were facing. Reynard and Adne left the job and I didn't even know. Albert parted his way from us and we didn't even realise he is not there. My good going life became my horrible experience with Veena, Stefan and Silvester. We were in mess but not together.

to be continued....


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